National Retail Federation Video: Battling Credit Card SwipeFee Monopoly

April 26, 2010

Repost: National Retail Federation Senior Vice President and General Counsel Mallory Duncan Duncan discusses his October 8, 2009, testimony before the House Financial Services Committee and explains how the credit card industry is in an “arms race” to raise “swipe” fees.

Why the credit card industry does better when their customers are doing worse

January 26, 2010

Since 1990, I have owned and operated a photo imaging business in Irvine called 30 Minute Photos Etc. and now   Times are tough for a lot of retailers just like they are for a lot of our customers.   But it’s not just the economy that make times tough for retailers and our customers.    It’s the credit card industry.  

The credit card business is designed to do better when Americans are doing worse.   Visa, MasterCard and their bank partners are arbitrarily raising interest rates on existing credit and debit card, raising credit card late fees, and even charging interest on credit card debt that is paid on time.  

But what actually cost consumers more is the huge, hidden fees on every credit card transaction known as interchange that is passed through to customers in the form of higher prices.  Two dollars out of every $100 spent in the U.S. in stores and gas stations goes to pay interchange also known as swipe fees whether the customer uses plastic or not.   

But it’s not just credit card hidden fees that are skyrocketing, debit card fees are also rising.  As Andrew Martin wrote in “The Card Game – How Visa, Using Card Fees, Dominates a Market”  in the New York Times on January 5, 2010, Visa pushed signature debit over PIN debit starting in the early 1990s because they could charge 13 times the fee for signature debit than they could for PIN debit – even though PIN debit is the more secure choice for the customer and less prone to ID theft.  


That’s right.   Visa decided to push signature debit even though it compromises cardholder security compared to PIN debit just to make more money for its member banks.  Visa and MasterCard also have rules that prohibit merchants from telling customers that they are paying inflated fees at point of purchase due to swipe fees.   Visa and MasterCard partner banks won’t disclose on their customer’s monthly card statements how much these fees cost them either.   And merchants are prohibited from discounting the price for customers who pay by cash, checks, or lower cost debit, such as PIN.    

 It’s outrageous behavior like this by Visa, MasterCard, and their partner banks that led me to become the lead plaintiff in what may be the largest class-action antitrust litigation in U.S. history, one designed to help rein in the credit card industry.

Interchange fees were designed 40 years ago to cover the costs for manual credit card imprinting (remember carbon copy receipts?). Today, technology and other efficiencies have made credit card swipe fees all but unnecessary.  There are no interchange fees when using store gift cards or writing checks – but due to unbridled market power of Visa, MasterCard and their partner banks there are still interchange swipe fees.  

Ten years ago, when my company first started using digital scanning, it cost $5 dollars per photo because the process was so expensive.   Today I charge 5 cents because the process has never been cheaper.  Unlike the credit card industry, I operate in a free market.  Even if I tried to charge $5 for digital scanning like ten years ago no one would pay it – they just go down the street to the next guy with a digital scanner.  

It has never been cheaper to swipe a credit or debit card.  But unlike the market for digital scanning – or for that matter gas, groceries, and all other retail goods and services — there is no competition down the street to lower the cost of card transactions.   Visa and MasterCard control 80% of the card market and their respectively card networks set the price.  That’s why credit card swipe fees, unlike retail prices, are the same in all fifty states.   No wonder the cost of swipe to consumers has tripled since 2001 to $427 per average household.     

Every other economically advanced country has either reformed interchange or is in the process of doing so.    But largely because of the power of the credit card industry in Congress, Americans pay the highest credit and debit card swipe fees in the world.   We pay four times what Australians pay for the exact same set of credit card goods and services.  So write your congressperson, write your senator, and tell them that you want them to put out the fire that is burning a hole in your pocket.

CNN reports on “swipe fees”; merchant says Washington should stand up to banks

January 26, 2010

CNN national political correspondent Jessica Yellin filed a report on Saturday on Your Bottom Line, hosted by Gerri Willis, examining credit-card interchange fees, “a hidden cost store owners say is crippling business.”

 Estimates show that in 2008 banks collected $38 billion to $46 billion in swipe fees alone, and some in Congress say that’s way too much and a sign that too few banks control the credit-card business, said the report.

Here is a transcript of the report:

Gerri Willis, host of CNN’s Your Bottom Line: While consumers are outraged about sky-high credit-card fees, businesses across the country are feeling the crunch, too. CNN national political correspondent Jessica Yellin joins us now to break down interchange fees.

Yellin: Gerri, I didn’t know these fees existed until I reported this story. Banks make money every time you or I use a credit card. They charge merchants a fee just for accepting the card and, no surprise, businesses pass that cost on to you and me.

According to the National Retail Federation, in 2008 the average household spent $427 on these interchange fees alone. And some in Congress are finding it hard to change that.

Yellin: It’s a hidden cost store owners say is crippling business; it’s called a swipe fee. Each time a customer uses a Visa or MasterCard, business owners like Keith Lipert have to pay a fee and that’s passed on to consumers. [This item costs] $125?

Keith Lipert, Gallery Owner: That’s $125. So the interchange on $125 would be about $2.

Yellin: The fee can be as much as 3% of your purchase, and it adds up. Lipert says swipe fees cost him as much as rent and health care.

Lipert: As a shopkeeper, I’m getting a service or a convenience for the credit-card companies, and that is fair. My objection is that I’m not allowed to negotiate.

Yellin: Credit-card companies say it’s the cost of processing transactions. What are they really getting for that fee? What’s the service that’s being provided?

Trish Wexler, Electronic Payments Coalition: So they’ll get almost instant payment and guaranteed payment for it. Whereas my card issuer, I won’t pay them for another 30 days, so there’s the float on the funds, which is a big component.

Yellin: Estimates show that in 2008 banks collected $38 billion to $46 billion in swipe fees alone. Some in Congress say that’s way too much and a sign that too few banks control the credit-card business.

Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.): What we’ve seen, really, is that the financial services industry is starting to make its money not so much by providing reasonable service, but by manipulating price by having a lot of hidden fees, by having a lot of extra transaction costs in running up their profits by doing that in taking advantage of monopoly power.

Yellin: Several bills before Congress would reduce these rates by allowing businesses to negotiate with card companies, but don’t expect those bills to pass any time soon. The industry, which is spending big on lobbyists, insists lowering swipe fees would end up costing consumers in other ways.

Wexler: If interchange rates are forced down below what is sustainable for a card program, then rates are going to have to go up or rewards are going to have to go away. Those are the facts.

Yellin: But Lipert says that Washington should stand up to the banks.

Lipert: We need, as a country, to address this.

Yellin: Now, there’s another reform some in Congress are pushing for now—they want to let retailers charge a lower price if you pay cash. And in a different slightly higher you use your credit card. That way at least only credit-card users are paying these swipe fees, but Gerri, no surprise, so far banks and credit-card companies are fighting that reform, too.

Willis: All right, so obviously we’re seeing yet another fee being passed on to us through retailers. But, what can you do as a consumer?

Yellin: There are two things you can do. If you have to use your credit card, use your debit card, the swipe fee on that is lower than actually using a credit card. And the other is, if you choose a card that doesn’t have as many rewards on it, the swipe fee is lower, the banks are actually charging you for those rewards with that swipe fee.

Willis: All right, and you can always pay cash, there’s always cash. What other reforms might happen?

Yellin: Well, they’re talking about, first of all, disclosing these fees, so that you know what you’re paying. They’re talking about also reducing the cost of…fixing the cost of rewards charges so that you know what you’re paying on rewards cards and they can’t charge you more for that.

But here’s the really important one. There’s a discussion of allowing the Federal Trade Commission to determine if these practices are anti-competitive. That’s because these big banks are getting all together and deciding what the swipe fees should be and some say that’s colluding, that’s monopoly and it should change.

Via CSP Magazine Credit Card Interchange Background

December 8, 2009

A swipe fee is a fee collected from retailers by the credit card companies and their member banks every time a credit or debit card is used to pay for a purchase. This fee is also known as “interchange.” This fee varies with type of card, size of merchant and other factors, but as much as $2 of every $100 you spend on plastic goes to card issuers. Credit and debit card interchange collected by Visa and MasterCard banks totaled about $48 billion in 2008, triple what it was in 2001. These fees raise prices for consumers. In 2008, the average American family paid about $427 in interchange fees.
Swipe fees add to the price of everything we buy, even if we choose not to use a credit or debit card. Americans paid about $48 billion in credit card swipe fees in 2008 alone, more than all other credit card fees combined.
Visa and MasterCard each separately work with their member banks to set swipe fees. The agreement between these banks, which should compete for business, is illegal price fixing and it hurts consumers and merchants.
Visa and MasterCard collected about $48 billion in swipe fees in 2008, triple what was collected in 2001. In 2008, the average American family paid about $427 in swipe fees.

Swipe fees are rising the fastest on gasoline purchases; payouts to the credit card industry have more than doubled since 2004.

Credit card companies and their member banks have increased the amount of swipe fees collected by both increasing rates and encouraging more people to pay by plastic instead of cash.

Even though advances in technology continue to bring down the cost of transaction processing, swipe fees keep going up. A recent study concluded that only 13 percent of the swipe fees that the big credit card companies collect actually goes for transaction processing. Most of the money goes toward profits for the banks, rewards programs that benefit mostly affluent cardholders and direct mail marketing campaigns that clog mailboxes with nine billion unsolicited credit card offers every year.

Many of those unsolicited mailings include so-called “convenience checks”that can be stolen and cashed by someone other than the authorized card holder. Yet the card companies and their banks spend only four percent of the swipe fees they collect on measures to protect consumers from this and other forms of credit card fraud.

U.S. swipe fees average close to two percent, while in other industrialized countries like Australia the rate is one-half of one percent and in Europe the rate for cross border transactions is less than one-third of one percent.
Visa and MasterCard each separately work with their member banks collectively to set the price of swipe fees. This is illegal price fixing and hurts Americans. Credit card swipe fees have tripled since 2001 and there’s no end in sight, even though the actual cost of transaction processing continues to go down.
American consumers pay the hidden credit card swipe fee on virtually every purchase they make, whether they use a credit card or not because the credit card companies require merchants to spread the cost of these fees to all of their customers. The system is structured so that credit card companies make more money on each transaction when the price of retail goods increases. For example, even though the cost of processing a $1 transaction is virtually the same as processing a $100 transaction, the swipe fee paid on that $100 sale is higher because the swipe fee is calculated as a percentage of the total sale. The higher the sale, the higher the fee.
A group of retailers, supermarkets, drug stores, convenience stores, fuel stations, and other businesses are fighting against unfair credit card fees. They want a more competitive and transparent card system that works better for consumers and merchants alike and have formed the Merchants Payments Coalition and launched the website The coalition’s member associations collectively represent about 2.7 million stores with approximately 50 million employees.

Convenience stores across the nation, who are among the hardest hit by unfair swipe fees because of the fees assessed to gasoline sales, have taken action to alert their customers about these fees and are collecting millions of signatures urging Congress to reform the system. In addition, this website you are visiting ( makes it easy for consumers to sign an online petition to Congress or even send a letter directly to their representatives urging action to reform unfair swipe fees.

Individual consumers are beginning to take action to urge Congress to reform unfair swipe fees. In the summer of 2009, nearly 1.7 million consumers signed petitions at 7-Eleven stores urging such action. This winter, millions more are signing similar petitions in convenience stores across the country or via this website (
A rare bi-partisan consensus has emerged that the forces that drive free enterprise should also drive how swipe fees get set. Currently, Congress is considering legislation specifically focused on this issue as well as other bills that are expected to address reform. The following are key actions taken or expected to be taken in the near future:
  • H.R. 2965, the Credit Card Fair Fee Act and S. 1212, the Credit Card Fair Fee Act. These bills are very similar and each will allow merchants to come together and negotiate with the credit card companies and their banks swipe fee rates and acceptance terms. Similar legislation was passed by the House Judiciary Committee in 2008.
  • H.R. 2382, the Credit Card Interchange Fees Act. This bill will repeal some of the rules imposed by credit card companies on merchants that are anti-competitive, empower the Federal Trade Commission to take further action if necessary and will require disclosure of swipe fee rates and rules.
  • Government Accountability Office report on Rising Interchange Fees (PDF).  This report confirms many of the most harmful aspects of unfair, hidden swipe fees. The report shows that the credit card companies and their issuing banks have been misleading the public about their increasing rates and about the benefits of credit cards to businesses. The report also outlines an unfair, anti-competitive system that hurts Main Street businesses and their customers in order to pad the banks’ bottom lines, with little relation to the actual costs of processing payments.


In addition, several national consumer organizations are urging Congress to take action. These include:
U.S. PIRG (Public Interest Research Group). In testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, Edmund Mierzwinski (PDF), PIRG’s consumer program director, supported legislation to reform unfair swipe fees and said:

Interchange fees are hidden charges paid by all Americans, regardless of whether they use credit, debit, checks or cash. These fees impose the greatest hardship on the most vulnerable consumers – the millions of American consumers without credit cards or banking relationships. These consumers basically subsidize credit and debit card usage by paying inflated prices – prices inflated by the billions of dollars of anticompetitive interchange fees. And unfortunately, those interchange fees continue to accelerate, because there is nothing to restrain Visa and MasterCard from charging consumers and merchants more.

Americans for Financial Reform. This is a coalition of 200 national, state and local consumer, labor, retiree, investor, community, and civil rights organizations who have come together to spearhead a campaign for real reform in our banking and financial system. In an official policy paper endorsing swipe fee reformt, the group said:

Markets don’t work when there are hidden fees and rules – and no one hides fees and rules better than the credit card companies. Credit card markets lack the information necessary for both consumers and merchants to make informed choices. For merchants, the markets lack adequate information because the associations prevent merchants from accurately informing consumers of the costs of credit card acceptance or attempting to direct them to more efficient and lower priced payment mechanisms.  In fact, merchants have no alternative but to accept the card associations’ cards even when the associations significantly increase prices.


NRF Testifies that Credit Card Companies are in an ‘Arms Race’ to Increase ‘Swipe Fees’ Paid by Merchants and Consumers (NRF via BW)

October 8, 2009

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The National Retail Federation today warned Congress that credit card companies are in an “arms race” to increase the $48 billion in “swipe” fees paid by merchants and their customers each year, and urged passage of legislation that would put rules governing the fees under the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission.

“There is an arms race to create cards with higher fees and more bells and whistles,” NRF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Mallory Duncan said. “The market checks that would normally exist to curb this escalation in fees are diminished because the card companies know that every merchant is required to take these expensive new cards or lose their ability to accept any cards. The Welch-Shuster bill would allow the most expensive cards to be refused, and while we expect that few merchants would actually refuse cards if this were passed, it would make the card companies think before they reflexively introduce cards with higher fees.”

“Most consumers don’t know it, but every time they swipe a rewards card with its miles and concierge services, they are driving up the price of everything they buy even higher,” Duncan said. “This particularly hurts less-privileged Americans who don’t have rewards cards or can’t get cards at all because Visa and MasterCard rules effectively require that everyone pay the credit card price even if they are paying with cash, check, debit card or even food stamps.”

“There is no regulator that reviews whether credit card company rules are unfair, deceptive or anticompetitive,” Duncan said. “This legislation would deal with this absence of oversight by directing the Federal Trade Commission to review card company rules and prohibit practices that meet that description. That is the minimum level of protection that this market needs to begin to function properly.”

Duncan testified before the House Financial Services Committee today during a hearing on H.R. 2382, the Credit Card Interchange Act of 2009, sponsored by Representative Peter Welch, D-Vt., and co-sponsored by Representative Bill Shuster, R-Pa. The bill would require credit card companies to disclose interchange rates, terms and conditions, and give the Federal Trade Commission authority to review interchange and prohibit any practices that violate consumer protection or anti-competition laws. Merchants would be allowed to give cash discounts and set minimum credit card purchase amounts, and could choose which credit cards to accept.

Interchange is a fee averaging 2 percent that Visa and MasterCard banks charge merchants each time one of their credit cards is swiped to pay for a purchase. But Duncan explained to the committee that the rate can range from as low as about 1.5 percent for an ordinary card to 3 percent or more for “gold” and “platinum” cards that offer rewards like travel miles or concierge services. In recent years, card companies have created an escalating series of rewards cards – each carrying more rewards but also higher fees – and “upgraded” millions of consumers. The higher-fee cards can’t be turned down by merchants because of Visa and MasterCard’s “Honor All Cards” rule. The practice, along with marketing that has pushed the use of plastic and introduced cards into new areas like taxis, has helped triple interchange revenue from the $16 billion collected when NRF began tracking the fees in 2001 to the $48 billion collected last year.

Visa and MasterCard rules effectively force merchants to pass the fees on to consumers by requiring them to be included in the advertised price of merchandise and making cash discounts difficult. The result is that the average household paid an estimated $427 in higher prices last year, up from $159 in 2001.

Merchants have long sought to offer cash discounts, but Duncan said an amendment to this spring’s credit card reform bill that would have blocked credit card companies from interfering with that ability was met with “howls of protest’ from the card industry and was not included in the final measure.

The National Retail Federation is the world’s largest retail trade association, with membership that comprises all retail formats and channels of distribution including department, specialty, discount, catalog, Internet, independent stores, chain restaurants, drug stores and grocery stores as well as the industry’s key trading partners of retail goods and services. NRF represents an industry with more than 1.6 million U.S. retail establishments, more than 24 million employees – about one in five American workers – and 2008 sales of $4.6 trillion. As the industry umbrella group, NRF also represents more than 100 state, national and international retail associations.

More Interchange Rate Increases

September 25, 2009

As reported earlier, beginning next week, rates charged by Visa and MasterCard and its member banks will again change.  [] received out letter of rate changes two weeks ago. 

Two times each year, we receive the same formatted letter and confusing pricing matrixes that explain rates for accepting credit and debit cards are again changing.  This time, it comes as U.S. Senator Chris Dodd proposes a significant change to these unfair fees.  Any rate reduction must be met with recognizing the years of illegal profiteering from price-fixing by MasterCard, Visa and its member banks and issue refund for those overcharges -amount is in the hundreds of billions.

Dodd Will Push To Control Bank Fees For Merchants

September 25, 2009

From The Hartford Courant (8/24). Click here to read more.


U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd is coming out swinging again at banking fees, saying he will push for more changes in credit card fees — this time those paid by merchants — even as he seeks to limit bank income from overdraft charges.

Dodd said Wednesday that he will propose legislation to “substantially modify” the fees that merchants pay so they can accept major credit cards and have those transactions processed through banks. Dodd, architect of credit card reform signed into law in May, previously indicated that he next intended to take aim at “interchange” or “swipe” fees.

“Every state you go to, you hear it from retailers,” Dodd said. “The fees are excessive.”

NACS Study: US Pays More for Interchange “Swipe” Fees

September 18, 2009

A new study by the Merchants Payments Coalition finds that Americans pay a much higher percentage for interchange charges than the rest of the industrialized world.

WASHINGTON, DC – A new study by the Merchants Payments Coalition (MPC) found that if U.S. consumers paid the same low credit and debit card swipe fees as consumers in Australia pay, then the net benefit would have totaled $125 billion over the last four years.

Interchange fees, or “swipe fees,” cost Americans an average of $2 on every $100 they spend with credit cards — a higher percentage than anywhere else in the industrialized world. Why? Because other countries and their governments have been able to negotiate with the big banks and credit card companies for fair rates and transparency, the MPC notes. NACS is one of the founding members of the MPC.

But, in the United States merchants and their customers are still forced to pay sky-high interchange fees.

Interchange fees started out in the 1960s as a way for banks to cover the cost of processing credit card transactions. But even as technology has dropped that cost dramatically, the banks and credit card companies have pushed swipe fees higher and higher, turning it into a cash cow. For many businesses, credit card fees are now their single-highest non-labor operating cost.

With almost any other equipment, supplier or service, retailers can comparison-shop, negotiate or otherwise influence its final cost of doing business. Store owners can conserve on energy usage and seek out the most competitive prices for merchandise, just to cite a few examples.

Not so with credit card interchange fees. Visa and MasterCard control more than 80 percent of the marketplace. They set the fees in secret, give businesses no ability to negotiate and virtually insist they be buried in the price of merchandise. Unfortunately, the card companies’ hidden fees get passed on to all consumers in the form of higher prices and lower value for nearly everything they buy.

“It’s bad enough that the credit card companies force these hidden fees on us and our customers when we can least afford it,” noted NACS Vice Chairman of Government Relations Tom Robinson, president of Robinson Oil Corporation. “But when we are paying more than anywhere else in the world, and other countries have taken action to protect their citizens from abuse, it is inconceivable that our government would turn a blind eye to the issue. It is time for Congress to step up and defend the principles of the free-market economy by taking action on (interchange) fees.”

Though Congress and the White House have addressed other credit card reforms, the MPC is arguing that any fix will be incomplete without addressing interchange fees. Consider:

Banks raked in an estimated $48 billion in interchange fees in 2008 – an average of $427 per American household in just one year.

  • This $48 billion total is more than triple the amount collected as recently as in 2001.
  • Hidden interchange fees cost Americans more than all credit card annual fees, cash advance fees, over-the-limit fees, and late fees combined.
  • U.S. interchange fees are the highest in the developed world. The U.S. pays approximately 60 percent of interchange fees globally – about double the U.S. percentage share of global GDP.

Compared to the rest of the world, U.S. interchange fees are more than two times the rates in the U.K. and New Zealand, four times the rates in Australia and more than six times the cross-border rates recently agreed upon by MasterCard and the European Union.

Meanwhile, the payments industry has back with its own “study.”

In a September 17 press release, Visa announced the findings of a new study that shows that “consumers believe retailers benefit far more from accepting credit and debit cards than they pay in costs.

The press release noted that consumers believe merchants see card cost acceptance as a part of doing business, much like paying for utilities such as electricity.

“Retailers and their well-funded trade associations have filed lawsuits and are aggressively lobbying Congress to allow them to shift their business costs to consumers by allowing merchants to charge checkout fees whenever consumers use credit or debit cards. At the same time, national convenience store chains have launched misleading, in-store petition campaigns to cover for their checkout fee efforts, noted Visa’s press release.

“The response is loud and clear: consumers aren’t buying the message convenience store chains and big retailers are selling,” said Bill Sheedy, group president of the Americas for Visa Inc., in the release. “This research demonstrates that consumers are well aware that legislation is a Trojan horse that likely will lead to higher prices for cardholders while retailers pocket the savings.”