Wells Fargo Cancels Lavish Wynn Hotel Event

During the past few weeks, we have tempered our discussions of the failing bank, along with MasterCard and Visa’s roll in devastating the global economy.  One issue we are not reading, amidst the record job losses and banking mismanagement is why the credit card giants aren’t lowering their anticompetitive merchant interchange fees?

At our company, we are reaping strong returns, due to our innovative new photo imaging business model at ScanMyPhotos.com. We reinvented our business, while Visa and MasterCard simply charged more for supporting and antiquated pricing model as its technology leaped ahead of what was once an analog payment network. 

Their actions help fuel our amplified commitment for calling attention to Visa and MasterCard’s unfair merchant interchange rates and its member banks continued monopoly of  charging nearly $60 billion in antiquated annual interchange fees when you use a credit and debit card.

Other businesses are struggling to survive, but we are more determined than ever to win this litigation.  Many member banks have failed and some CEO’s have been dismissed.  However, their allegedly illegal price-fixing and ruinous financial burden on merchants and consumers continues.

Today, we learn that Well Fargo, a named defendant in the multi billion dollar merchant interchange litigation has decided that The Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas is not the place to host their upcoming event for their home lending unit.  The same for Citigroup (another named defendant) for trying to spend $50 million of taxpayer dollars on a corporate jet. 

As millions of jobs are lost and our economy rests on the brink of collapse, the least MasterCard and Visa can provide is immediate relief from their anticompetitive and illegally-based price-fixing scheme.  If Denny’s can give away free breakfasts after the Super Bowl, think of the marketing grist that MasterCard and Visa would gain from saving retailers and consumers billions of dollars.

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